Local Governance Committee


The governance of a multi-academy trust differs from those of maintained schools. The White Horse Federation (TWHF) believes that placing statutory responsibilities firmly at its centre, in the remit of the board of trustees, allows the Local Governance Committee (LGC) to focus on providing support, overcoming challenges in the delivery of educational excellence, and outstanding outcomes for all pupils.

There are direct channels of communication between the principal and the LGC chair and central services. The clerk to the board of trustees will hold contact details for all members of LGCs within TWHF. However, routine communication for day-to-day school business should come from the chair of that LGC, managed by the school or through an LGC clerk.

The principal and the chair of the LGC are responsible for ensuring the quality and timely distribution of all material needed to keep LGC members well-informed about the school and TWHF. The principal and the chair are also responsible for ensuring the views of the LGC have good lines of communication to the board of trustees. This can be done via the elected chair’s representative on the board of trustees. Senior executives from TWHF will be nominated by the CEO to attend any LGC.

The White Horse Federation has a very clear and shared understanding of what constitutes good and effective governance. Schools within TWHF will be judged to have outstanding governance when members of the LGC:

  • Talk about teaching and learning.
  • Know a great deal about the school and its community.
  • Are ambitious for the school and its community.
  • Ask questions which make colleagues reflect, and that these discussions lead to delivering the very best outcomes for every child and adult within the school community.
  • Maintain strong and effective relationships within TWHF.

For the shared model of governance to be effective for TWHF and the schools, it is essential that there is effective communication between the board of trustees, the LGCs, chairs groups, principals, the central team, and the executive leadership team.

Current Local Governance Committee

Charlotte Harmer - Principal

Dr Moira Laffey - Chair of Governors, Co opted Governor, (Safeguarding, Maths and English)

Kerry Ball - PSA & MDSA

Fiona Jenkins - Assistant Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Maths Lead

Trevor Woods - Co-opted Governor, (Premiums)

Sarah Bowler - Clerk to the board

Charlie Harmer - Co-opted Local Governor

Richard Mealand - Co-opted Local Governor

Shelley Hills - Co-opted Local Governor

Andrew Nothard - Co-opted Local Governor

Sophie Thomas - Co-opted Local Governor

Richard Dewdney - Co-opted Local Governor

Dr. Moira Laffey – Chair of Governors

Champion – Safeguarding, Maths & English

Moira has a PhD in Chemistry. After a few years working as a civil servant, she saw the light and retrained to teach. She initially specialised in supporting adults with difficulties with maths; then by a happy accident embarked on a career in independent prep schools. Over the years she held posts as teacher, head of department, deputy head, and head.

In 2016 Moira became a governor of a primary school in Wiltshire and as chair in 2018 took the school through the due diligence to join TWHF in March 2018. She has particular interests in the teaching of maths and the opportunities for governors to network and obtain training. She is delighted to be the representative of TWHF local governing bodies on The Trust Board and will work to support good communication.

Trevor Wood - Co-opted School Governor

Champion - Premiums

Trevor has served all of his adult life in the British Army. He has enjoyed a varied career serving and living in several areas in the UK and abroad. He has had the privilege of serving a full career as a soldier and also a commissioned officer, with the latter holding down various staff roles predominately in the trade and collective training area and has no plan to retire just yet.

In October 2020, Trevor became a co-opted school governor of Larkhill Primary School responsible for assisting the school with their pupil premiums’ strategies and any other related premiums such a service families and sports premiums. His aim is to ensure our children are supported both pastorally and academically in the best possible way to help attainment and of course make their learning and growing experience as positive as possible.

Trevor along with his wife have now settled down in a sleepy village in Wiltshire, they have one son who has flown the nest and works in finance sector in London. To bridge that gap, they now have a mad little Miniature Schnauzer puppy, who happens to be much better behaved than their boy

Register of Interests 2022-23 and Attendance 2021-22

Governors have been appointed by the board of trustees and will serve a four-year term.

Name Role Champion Nature of Interests Date Interest Registered Terms of Office Attendance 2021-22
Charlotte Harmer Head Teacher & Local Governor Nil TWHF employee and husband is a local governor 01/09/2022 01/09/2022 N/A
Dr Moira Laffey Chair/Local Co-opted Governor Chair, SEND TWHF Trustee - Sep 1, 2020

TWHF LGC Chair of Melksham Oak - April 1, 2021
02/09/2021 30/06/2021 6 of 6
Kerry Ball Staff (PSA), Comms and Engagement Comms and Parental Engagement THWF Employee, child at school, Personal Business NerD provided stationery and vinyl stickers to school as need 08/09/2021 - 26/01/2024 28/01/2024 6 of 6
Fiona Jenkins Staff (Teaching) STEM THWF Employee, children at school 10/09/2021 - 26/01/2024 28/01/2024 5 of 6

Trevor Woods

Co-opted Local Governor, Pupil Premium and Grants Premiums Nil 16/08/2021 07/12/2020 - 06/12/2024 5 of 6
Charlie Harmer Co-opted Local Governor Maths, Curriculum Wife is a TWHF employee at Larkhill, Royal Artillery charities Trustee 23/03/2022 22/03/2026 3 of 3
Richard Mealand Co-opted Local Governor Safeguarding, IT including Safeguarding Nil 23/03/2022 22/03/2026 3 of 3
Shelley Hills Co-opted Local Governor Early Years Hills minding childminder 19/05/2022 18/05/2026 0 of 1
Andrew Nothard Co-opted Local Governor English Nil 19/07/2022 18/07/2026 N/A
Richard Dewdney Co-opted Local Governor   English Heritage Employee 11/07/2023 11/07/2023 - 10/07/2027  
Sophie Thomas Co-opted Local Governor   English Heritage Employee 11/07/2023 11/07/2023 - 10/07/2027  

Previous Governors

Emily Taylor - Left 31/08/2022 (attended 4 of 6 meetings)

Katie King - Left 11/04/2022 (attended 4 of 6 meetings)

Jo Rowell - Left 08/06/2022 (attended 3 of 5 meetings)

Minutes of meetings are available from the school office upon request.

Updated: 24/08/2023 50 KB

The White Horse Federation Governance Information

Click on the button below to access TWHF governance information, including:

  • Annual report
  • Annual audited accounts
  • Memorandum of association
  • Articles of association
  • Names of charity trustees and members
  • Funding agreement
  • Gender Pay Gap Report
  • Higher Paid Staff reports